Ehsaas tracking 8171 Pass CNIC Check | 2023-24

Ehsaas tracking pass” is a public assistance program launched by the government of Pakistan. In this program, they monetize and manage to create a more helpful environment among fellow citizens by providing better relief in different ways.

Ehsaas tracking check gov. pk is a web portal to register ehsaas kafalat and Benazir Income support programs. This website was formed by the idea of Pakistan’s PM to financially facilitate the deserving ones in this situation. To gain these packages, one eligible must register for 12000 rupees from the ehsaas program CNIC check online, and get further assistance from Benazir income support.

Ehsaas tracking gov pk 2024

Before applying, the main and most important thing to be considered is your eligibility for receiving any amount from these freshly launched programs.

Therefore, Ehsaas Tracking gov pk 2024 is a platform where you can easily check if you truly deserve the money.

8171 ehsaas tracking new portal

Here are the two important methods which can assist you in checking your money online as well as offline

Tracking money online

This procedure is an easy and simple way to check your money online. Follow these simple steps, and you will know how it works. 

  • Open the ehsaas web portal, the form appears 
  • Enter your CNIC number in the asking box 
  • Enter the number given in the picture in your next box
  • Now click on the know button 
  • Ultimately, it will tell you the amount you have 
ehsaas tracking 8171 portal online

Tracking money offline 

This platform is one of the best options for citizens who are either uneducated or those who need help managing it on the internet. All you need to do is follow these steps, and you will be done. 

  • In your mobile phone “message inbox” app 
  • Then type your National Identity Card number 
  • Please send it to 8171
  • You’ll be clarified about your eligibility in a few seconds.

If you have further queries, contact the official number 0800-786527.

Ehsaas tracking 8123 Rashan

Through the portal of Ehsaas tracking passes gov pk, you can more conveniently track your rashan card to gain all the required knowledge of your ehsaas rashan card balance. For this purpose, you must visit the ehsaas web portal and enter your phone or CNIC number.  

Ehsaas rashan Tracking online portal

Furthermore, you can also locate through your message inbox in which you have to send your CNIC to 8171, and they will give you all informative data.

Ehsaas tracking 8123 via SMS.

Ehsaas gives you more services. You can also check your ehsaas status by sending your activated CNIC number to 8123

This check can be done by following the steps 

  • Open the app of message inbox on your mobile phone 
  • Carefully type your CNIC in it without any space 
  • Could you send it to 8123?
  • After a little pause, you will receive a message with the status of your application.

Ehsaas emergency cash program -ehsaas tracking pass gov pk 2024 (updates)

New updates have arrived! 

It says that the government of Pakistan has set up a new budget for beneficiaries of 150 billion for ehsaas emergency program, which will be distributed to more than 1 million families. Each family member will receive 7000 rupees, and it should be mentioned that each criterion must be fulfilled.

It is strictly monitored that there should be no deductions in the transfer of money, and in any case, if this happens, they can file a complaint to their portal. Then, the full amount will be given to them. 

Who can apply (ehsaas tracking)

After the arrival of new updates in 2023, there are a few changes and restrictions for the people who can register for this program. This check is strictly monitored, so you must check your eligibility before applying and truly pass all the required information without any amendments.

Only the applications of those who meet our eligibility criteria are processed; no one’s request should be looked into.

Following is the list of people who are not eligible 

  • According to newly arrived updates, people who are working in government sectors can not apply
  • Those who are not eligible for BISP 8171
  • People who are already part of other govt schemes such as the ehsaas kafalat program,ehsaas bahimat, or any other
  • People in business can also not apply for this program
  • Those who have a minimum or maximum of 10,000 electricity bill

Method of receiving ehsaas emergency amount 

You can get your payment from any ehsas portal through so many resources; it is quite an easy and simple method. 

Payment resources 

  • HBL atm 
  • HBL connect
  • Sahulat Center of NADRA 
  • Any place mentioned in your SMS

Ehsaas survey Tracking ID 

This ID is created while surveying each household. It’s a unique type of digit assigned individually to every house registered for the ehsaas survey, as this makes the procedure even more advanced by showing their status on their tracking ID. Moreover, on this basis, they receive all the updates from the government.

While registering for the survey, you receive an SMS mentioning your ID so that you can look into your tracking ID from there. To check your ID, visit the Ehsaas portal ( From there, you’ll get the solution to all your queries.

By following these steps, you can check your ehsaas tracking ID online

  • Visit the ehsaas portal, which is 
  • Here, you need to enter your CNIC and mobile number
  • After that, submit it  
  • And you’ll see your ID on its screen.
Ehsaas tracking survey ID

Things you can do with your ehsaas survey tracking ID :

I have mentioned some basic and helpful things you can do ;

  • You can check the improvement of the survey
  • Check the status of your registration 
  • You can also apply for any jobs in government assistance programs 
  • Receive updates from the government
ehsaas tracking survey details and help

How to check ehsaas tracking

  1. Just search for ehsaas in your Google browser 
  2. Then, many sites appear as a list 
  3. Click on the first site on your screen 
  4. Now enter your details in the given dashboard such that your CNIC or phone number
  5. The screen will appear in front of you, showing your eligibility and the data they have 
  6. If you are eligible, you will have your amount 
  7. That’s simple and easy.

Ehsaas emergency cash 

Ahsaas emergency cash program was set up in the year 2020 by the PTI government as a solution to deal with the circumstances created by the pandemic.

This program has proved very beneficial and cooperative throughout the whole time. It has proven to be the best way to provide financial support to all those lower-class citizens who were largely affected.

ehsaas emergency program recieve money from ehsaas centre

This program is one of the unconditional cash transfer programs. It has no eligibility criteria, and all low-income people can apply.

Distribution of the money depends upon the family member. 

Givens are the list of portals from where the money transactions occur for the program. 

  1. Cash distribution points 
  2. Bank account
  3. Mobile wallets

Sehat Sahulat Program Online CNIC Check | 2024 update

Pakistan government has introduced a very beneficial service for all the poor people who have their certified CNIC from Nadra or B-Form so that they can get free medical treatment from the government or private hospital. If you want to get the Sehat Insaf card then you need to verify and confirm your eligibility for the Sehat Sahulat Program, and how you will do that is also explained below in detail.

Once you have checked that you are eligible for the 8500 Sehat Card then you can receive your card from the nearest SSP Center and can start the treatment from the paneled hospital. From one card a family will receive a treatment of 400,000 Rupees per year and in case of additional treatment further 60,000 payment will be allocated to them as secondary care.


What is ehsaas emergency helpline number?

Ehsaas emergency helpline number is 0800‑26477.

How can I check my CNIC balance online?

By entering your CNIC in the ehsaas 8171 web portal, you will be informed about your CNIC balance. If you are lucky enough to have your asking amount, you will receive an SMS from 8171.

What is the new payment for BISP 2024?

Every registered applicant will get Rs 10500 in the new payment of the ehsaas program. More than 11 million families will receive Rs55 Billion in its first tranche.

What is Benazir’s social protection Amount?

PM Shahbaz Sharif launched this program; through this scheme, the beneficiaries women will receive their amount directly in their accounts.

What is the 8171 Ehsaas Program March Payment for 2024

In response to financial difficulties, the government increased enrolled households’ quarterly assistance from Rs 8,500 to Rs 10,500.